Our specialties
We offer coverage for a range of specialized products, both in direct insurance and facultative reinsurance and where our track record is recognized by both our clients/brokers and the (re)insurance markets that support us in different regions. These solutions are typically offered through the various underwriting vehicles in which we participate.

Contingency in the event of any type of event cancellation
Since 2008, we have continuously developed different solutions for the leisure and entertainment industry, which have allowed us to consider our performance in this segment of activity as a highly successful speciality.
This approach includes all the so-called Contingency insurance, where we design and seek solutions in the event of the cancellation of a project or an event that was scheduled to take place.
The variety of products available to our clients is very wide and each of them will require a specific approach:
- Event and show cancellation
- Family meetings and celebrations
- Face-to-face and virtual conferences
- Productions for Film or Television or online channels
- Lottery games
- Sports prizes
- Discount programmes for product launches
- Cancellation of travel, leisure and tourism plans.
The products we distribute both in direct insurance and facultative reinsurance for this line of specialty have led us to be recognised as a key and recognised player in each region where we propose to participate.
Depending on the characteristics of the risk, we will offer you a solution as a coverholder or as a placement broker.
Accidents, Transport and Life of any type of animal
Tackling the insurance of animals has been one of the most complex tasks for our team, due to the different perception of the risk they represent, as well as the knowledge required to clearly understand the possible losses to the investment made in agri-food farms in the event of a claim.
Originally, our philosophy is that we can provide the same cover for an animal as for any other living being, although we must limit the occurrence of a loss in order to guarantee adequate cover, which means that we can offer life, accident and transit cover for any type of animal.
Since 2011 we have analysed different types of risk in the animal industry, including: poultry, pigs, cattle, exotic species, zoos, private collections, etc. For all of them we have developed products tailored to the needs that their owners have required and faced specific situations such as the following:
- International transport of live animals by air, road, rail or sea.
- Stand-alone coverage for specific diseases such as “avian influenza” or African swine fever.
- Catastrophic exposures of farms in locations vulnerable to extreme weather events.
- Etc
To which we could add that our knowledge and specialisation in the world of animal insurance, together with our creativity in the continuous design of solutions, makes us a benchmark company in different geographical markets in Europe and Latin America.
Today, Hispania’s solutions are present in different territories in Europe, Latin America and Asia.
The products we distribute both in direct insurance and facultative reinsurance for this line of specialisation have led us to be recognised as a key player in each region in which we propose to participate.
Depending on the characteristics of the risk, we will offer you a solution as a cover holder or as a placement broker.
Terrorism in any type of industry
The type of cover known in the Anglo-Saxon market as “Terrorism” is much broader in its definition than the direct understanding that can be generated when we use this word.
The scope and extent of coverage that is possible from solutions designed for any type of industry, alternatively includes events such as strikes or civil commotion or social or political unrest, which undoubtedly affect the normal conduct of many business activities.
All you need to do is ask yourself the question: How can an event that I am not involved in affect my business? Well, in this kind of cover you can find a solution to a large part of the answer to this question.
Since 2015 we have been working in Europe and LatAm offering different approaches to broad Terrorism cover, including political violence, riots, strikes, etc. both on a stand-alone basis and as a complement to other more traditional covers such as property damage, loss of profit or liability.
The products we distribute both in direct insurance and facultative reinsurance for this line of specialisation have led us to be recognised as a key and recognised player in each region where we propose to participate.
Depending on the characteristics of the risk, we will offer you a solution as a coverholder or as a placement broker.