HISPANIA’s organisation currently relies on four companies that allow us to develop our activity with flexibility and with all the licences required by the national and international regulators in those regions where we intend to operate.
The HISPANIA BRAND is made up of a group of companies that support the development of our activity, including the following:
- Hispania Risk Broker, Correduria de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A.
- Hispania Global Underwriting, S.L., Correduria de Reaseguros, S.L.
- Hispania Global UW, LTD
- Hispania Global Underwriting, S.A.
In the following link you can access our company structure, which will allow you to visualize the extension of the group and related activity.

Any question relating to us can be directed according to the region to which it belongs in the following links:
Hispania Risk Broker, Correduría de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A.

Limited Company, incorporated in Spain in 2007 and authorised as an insurance broker (J2554) and reinsurance broker (RJ0018) by the following regulatory body: Direccion General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones, dependent on the Spanish Ministry of Economy, you can access its verification at Distribuidores de seguros y reaseguros (mineco.es).
Additionally it is authorised as a Lloyds Broker with the number ESP1155, first Lloyd’s Broker in the Iberia region, you can access its verification at Lloyd’s Market Directory – Lloyd’s – The world’s specialist insurance market. Also known as Lloyd’s of London; is a market where members join together as syndicates to insure risks.
The company is also authorised to operate in various regions of Europe and Latin America.
The company has an authorised Branch in the United Kingdom.
Hispania Global Underwriting, S.L. Correduría de Reaseguros.

Limited company, incorporated in Spain in 2003 and authorised as a reinsurance brokerage (RJ0022) and underwriting agency (AS0022) by the following regulatory body: Direccion General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones, under the Spanish Ministry of Economy, you can access its verification at Distribuidores de seguros y reaseguros (mineco.es)
Additionally, this authorised Lloyds Coverholder can access its verification at Lloyd’s Market Directory – Lloyd’s – The world’s specialist insurance market. Also known as Lloyd’s of London; is a market where members join together as syndicates to insure risks.
Hispania Global UW, LTD

Limited company, incorporated in the United Kingdom in 2014 and authorised as an insurance and reinsurance broker (628358) by the following regulatory body: Financial Conduct Authority, dependent on the UK Government, you can access its verification at Hispania Global UW Ltd (fca.org.uk)
Additionally this authorised Lloyds Coverholder can access its verification at Lloyd’s Market Directory – Lloyd’s – The world’s specialist insurance market. Also known as Lloyd’s of London; is a market where members join together as syndicates to insure risks.
Hispania Global Underwriting, S.A.

Limited company, incorporated in Portugal in 2011 and authorised as an insurance agency broker (411349258) by the following regulatory body: Autoridade de Supervisao de Seguros e Fundos de Pensoes, , dependent on the Portuguese Ministry of Economy, you can access its verification at ASF – Detalhe de Mediador.
Additionally this authorised Lloyds Coverholder can access its verification at Lloyd’s Market Directory – Lloyd’s – The world’s specialist insurance market. Also known as Lloyd’s of London; is a market where members join together as syndicates to insure risks.
This company is also authorised to operate in different regions of Europe.